Register for back-to-school support
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You need back-to-school financial support?
What is back-to-school support?
You could obtain a $50 voucher per child registered at the primary or secondary level.
How to get this help?
To obtain back-to-school financial support, an eligibility request must be submitted to the SSVP service point in your neighborhood:
- Visit the "Getting help" on our website
- Enter your postal code to find the SSVP service point in your neighborhood
- Call the telephone number of your point of service to make an appointment.
Where can you use the vouchers?
- At school, to pay tuition, childcare, transportation, educational materials, uniform, lunches, etc.
- At participating stores for the purchase of school supplies only (depending on the point of service).
The registration period is from July 2 to September 15.
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You are a participating partner?
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